Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thank you to a wonderful friend, who managed to access my blog for me that I haven't been able to do for over a year. I am so grateful!
I stated this in my profile, but I am going to restate it here. Right now I am using my blog to record thoughts & feelings I have from events that have shaped my life over the past year and nearly a half. For me, I do not believe in posting things like this on Facebook because I do not want it to appear I am looking for attention. What has happened has happened and I am just trying to deal with it day by day, but do not want to appear that I have not 'gotten over it', or am looking for sympathy or attention. That, I am not! I just need an outlet.
So.....with that being said, you do not have to read the posts, or follow me at all! You can if you'd like. This is just for me, right now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're blogging again! I love that you are recording your thoughts. We miss Jud!
