Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello all!

Greetings fellow friends and family! This is Kimberlee, daughter #2. My mother (Linette) has been asking me for quite some time to help her set up a blog. I thought that today, while I am visiting home, would be an excellent time to do so. However, just as I start asking, "What do you want to call your blog? What kind of background do you want? What do you want to say in the 'About Me' column?" I received the same answer: I dunno, you pick something. And then she goes off and works and I don't know where she is. I thought it rather silly to create a blog and have no posts, so at least here is one to help get started until you can hear from her yourself. Hopefully in enough time she can figure out how to use this as well as facebook, which was also created by her fabulous first daughter. Maybe I should leave some step by step instructions posted on the wall next to the computer... Just kidding Mom! Love you lots! And from all the crazy Blackfoot Fransons, we're glad to be on board and we love to hear from you all as well on your blogs. Ciao!


  1. Ha! I'm commenting on your blog post that I wrote!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey you should change the text color to like black or white, the blue is kinda hard to read against the blue background. But I love the layout and the name of the blog! Can't wait for all the posts!

  4. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Good for you, Kimberlee! I've helped several friends set up theirs and walk them through it all too! I hope your mom will keep it up when you're gone cuz I'd love to stay more in touch with your fun family!
